Recently, I got around to purchasing this book. I read Amanda's brilliant blog regularly, and read her previous book, The Creative Family, from cover to cover in almost one sitting. I love her ideas, her ethics and her seemingly endless energy - anyone who can homeschool 4 kids and have enough time to make their own sanitary towels is a wonderwoman, in my book. Anyhow, again I was totally inspired by this book as it really made me think about how much we waste in life these days - not just the food we fling out at the end of the week, but the clothes we can't wait to get rid of, just because we've never worn them, or the idea of buying dusters (for instance). What I'm trying to say is it really struck a chord that perhaps I do waste too much and perhaps I should think a bit more about recyling and repurposing stuff. And it's quite good fun and a challenge too.
So, this morning, I decided to do something about this waistcoat thing that I knitted a year or two ago and has been clogging up the bottom of my wardrobe ever since because it isn't really 'me', to be honest. I used Rowan All Seasons cotton which, we know, is not cheap. I like the colour and I thought okay, let's unravel it and use it for something else.
And this evening I started knitting this - a much nicer summer top which I hope I will actually wear this time.
But then I was left with these.
Now. Of course, normally I would have slung them in the bin, but today I had a flash of inspiration. My mind was thinking 're-purpose, re-purpose' and - lo and behold - a mere 5 hours later 4 new placemats were (re)born!
I tell you what is so extra nice about these - they are soooo soft because the denim from the jeans had been washed so much, it's really soft, as is the other materials used. Also, I have enough of the pale blue chambray to make a matching set of napkins! Hurrah for me! And hurrah for Amanda!
I can't possibly be the first to comment on these! I love them and am going to copy them. Thank you. Kim :)