You may remember that I bought a lot of Rowan's Milk Cotton and started to knit a cable cardigan. Well, I didn't get very far with it because it requires 100% attention and, as I tend to knit in front of the telly, I just kept getting confused and frustrated with it. So I thought right, rather than let it languish on the needles forever, I'll find another pattern. Eventually, and I mean, eventually, after all the above failed, I found myself in the local library yesterday and lo and behold, the perfect pattern!! Who knew?
This is perfect because it is knitted in cotton at a standard tension (as is the milk cotton). I have enough yarn, I like it, and I think (or hope) it will flatter my figure. Jackpot! Also, it's quite nice to knit because of the lacy pattern at the bottom and it's not knitted sideways or upside down or on those stupid circular needles (can you tell I don't like circular needles?). I guess designers feel the need to shake things up a bit by knitting things backwards, etc, but I think it's just annoying. If it ain't broke, don't fix it is my philosophy.
Meanwhile, at the house of Shirts, another one has rolled hot off the press. It only took about 3 hours on Sunday afternoon, start to finish, to run this baby up. It's exactly the same as the last (stripey) one, but I put 2 pockets on instead of 1, mainly because I accidently cut 2 out so I thought I may as well just bung it on there. Boys love pockets - very handy for stashing dinosaurs, you know.
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