Meanwhile, at Crochet Headquarters - the granny squares are multiplying:
Oh, by the way, the piglets are growing!
Poor mum - imagine feeding 12 at once!
And I must show you this little ingenious flask which I have taken to carrying around with me practically everywhere I go. It holds just one cuppa, but it's great to take with you in the car if you're going shopping, or to the allotment (of course). Pretty much any time you're going to be away from a kettle for more than an hour or two! It's from Lakeland and was quite pricey at £12.99, but I think it's going to be worth every penny. It keeps it hot for a good 3 hours.
We have the same mugs! Though I wish I had the same veg patch - mine is empty save for a healthy row of chives. Perhaps I should head outdoors with my seeds...