sowed some seeds. Well, this weekend they looked like this:
this is the spinach we planted. So, yesterday, I had to split them into individual, larger planters. I was able to do this with the courgettes too. They will now go outside, but covered, before they are ready to be actually planted into the ground.
They are such delicate little things, it's amazing to think that they will grow into something you can actually eat.
And this is Mildred - mummy to 12 piglets! See what I mean when I say she's MASSIVE?
And these are the ever-growing piglets, all cutched up together, having an afternoon nap!
And here we have 2 brooding hens, sitting atop some eggs which will not become scrambled or fried, but actual little chicks. If, like my hubby, you were to try to steal an egg, you will received a rather nasty peck!
Yes, I do feel a bit like I'm turning into Barbara Goode (from The Goode Life). But I have to say I'm really enjoying it all so far. It's nice to be part of the whole animal/small holding thing, but not actually be responsible for it all (we have a 'share' in it).
Yes, I do feel a bit like I'm turning into Barbara Goode (from The Goode Life). But I have to say I'm really enjoying it all so far. It's nice to be part of the whole animal/small holding thing, but not actually be responsible for it all (we have a 'share' in it).
I managed to make this apron for my brother's birthday last week - the things on the front are meant to be chillies, not carrots - at my sewing class. I have to admit to having lost a little of my sewing mojo at the moment, probably because the weather has been tempting me outside and I seem to have a lot of jobs to do out there. But that's okay - this happens sometimes, and I know the urge will return sooner or later. Who can figure the creative mind?
How funny ... my friends say we get more like an animal park everyday round here and should start charging entry! One of our hens got broody last week and wouldn't shift out of the box ... those eggs were definitely going to be scrambled ... don't forget to post when the chicks have hatched. Our little veggie plot has been planted over the last week but we've sown straight into the soil .... it was lush courtesy of the chooks with all their scratching and pooping last year! I thought chillies straight away ... nice apron .... my sewing mojo seems to be taking a break too but with a house full of children over the holidays its been impossible.