Today has been a day of reorganisation. I get these days - the urge to reorganise corners of the house which I'm not happy with or finally put something in order which has been bugging me for months. So today it was my sewing corner. Bizarrely, you might think, I've scaled it down from 3 desks (1 large, 2 small) to just 1 small desk. The reason for this is that it is located in our spare bedroom and instead of being a nicely organised sewing corner it actually more resembled an explosion in a craft shop. It was getting to the point where things were going missing and other things were appearing which I only had a vague memory of having seen before. So today, I set about making it into one of those sewing corners you find in magazines such as Ideal Home or House Beautiful - you know, where everything is perfectly labelled and all the storage matches and it all looks coordinated. I know, I know, it's not terribly creative to have it like this, but I do find that a creative mind can sometimes be an excuse for just causing an almighty mess.
So this morning, after buying my son's school uniform and spending 3 hours amongst the screams and shouts of a soft-play area, I rewarded myself by buying some new storage baskets. Yippee. Of course, I couldn't wait to get home and start culling my (until now) lovingly collected array of button bowls and bits of old crap that I'll never use. My god, when the urge seizes, it really does seize with a vengeance! Quite astonishing how much crap it is possible to keep hold of, filed under the assumption that it might come in handy one day. Not! On the plus side though, I now have a whole heap of buttons which have come from I know not where.
Of course, my fabric stash is sacred and that had to stay in all its glory, although it's all nicely folded now. But I do feel cleansed and serene and ... a little bit nervous that I might have been a bit hastey. But no, no it's fine. It's neat and tidy and a lot of it is really still there - it's just hidden a bit better.
Tomorrow I have to make a birthday present for a friend, despite the fact that I have 2 other projects on the go and have to clean the entire house and go shopping too. Oh crikey, I almost forgot that I bought some new kitchen storage jars, so I also have to reorganise my baking cupboard too ... not enough time, you see, is there ... however do people find time to work?
Striped Friend to Friend
Hey Friends! I wanted to mention that I did a little "how to" over on
YouTube. If you are needing any assistance with striping your Friend to
Friend, you...
10 months ago
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