Thursday, 19 August 2010

Yum! Yum!

This morning we went blackberry picking along the hedgerows of the lanes nearby. We had to reach high for where the ripe ones were, but we came back with a kilo of fruit!

Here are the hands to prove it.

With this bag of blackberries we made - 19 muffins ...

2 blackberry and apple crumbles (one cooked and ready for the freezer, the other awaiting tea-time) ...

and also enjoyed a very refreshing smoothie which was in no small part blackberry! All I had to buy was 2 cooking apples for the crumbles, everything else I already had. Hurray for free food and a day's activities all rolled into one!


  1. I've been freezing mine and intend to make some bramble jelly .... there seems to be loads of ripe fruit at the mo .... spotted some lovely plums overhanging the footpath on my travels to the shops yesterday ... dare I take a bag with me next time ;-)

  2. yum!
    Email me with your addy - you won the fabric stack giveaway on my blog. Whoo!
